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2023 Annual Impact Report

HCAP Partners’ Impact Thesis

HCAP Partners provides mezzanine debt, private equity, and technical assistance for underserved businesses to drive operational excellence, quality job creation, and economic opportunity for women, people of color, and low- to moderate-income (LMI) workers.

Our impact thesis summarizes the positive impacts we seek to achieve through our capital and our approach to value creation. An impact thesis illustrates an investor’s hypothesis for how its actions positively contribute to a set of social outcomes.  

Our impact thesis is organized as a logic model that can be read from left to right. It describes (1) the job quality challenges in the U.S., particularly among low-wage workers, women, and people of color, (2) how we contribute to addressing these challenges in partnership with our portfolio companies, including through the Gainful Jobs Approach™, and (3) the associated positive societal outcomes that we hope to achieve together as identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Appendix A


  • 50.5 million Americans reside in distressed communities and a majority of distressed zip codes lost businesses and jobs6
  • 44% of the U.S. workforce
    are low-wage workers with fewer opportunities for upward mobility

    Women and Black workers are overrepresented in low-wage jobs7

    Hispanic and Black women have the lowest shares of upward transitions: 37% and 43%, respectively8
  • 40% of American
    workers experienced
    worsening job quality since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic9
  • Social and economic inequities across race, ethnicity, and gender are exacerbated by low job quality, hindering economic opportunity10

HCAP Contribution

  • Capital and value creation activities

    Mezzanine debt and private equity tailored to business needs

    Strategic support, engagement, and value-added resources
  • The Gainful Jobs ApproachTM

    Quantitative measurement system to assess job quality

    Hands-on engagement with leadership and management to improve job quality

    Access to HR guidance, tools, resources, and technical assistance to support job quality improvements

    Sharing of data, evidence, expertise, and lessons learned to support investors, employers, and government in creating quality jobs


  • Outputs

    Greater access to capital for underserved businesses, particularly those led by women and people of color

    Increased wages for frontline workers

    Increased access to 401(k), ESOPs, and profit sharing

    Increased access to healthcare and wellness benefits

    Increased workplace satisfaction

    Reduced turnover

    Greater pay equity

    Increased women and people of color in leadership
  • Outcomes

    Targeted societal outcomes as identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

* Distressed Communities Index
** Meet the low low-wage workforce. Martha Rossa and Nicole Bateman, Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program
*** The American Dream in crisis: Helping low low-wage workers move up to better jobs. Marcela Escobari and Eric Krebs, Brookings
****How COVID-19 Affected the Quality of Work. Jonathan Rothwell and Steve Crabtree, Gallup
***** Why Job Quality? Aspen Institute

Criteria for Each Attribute of the Gainful Jobs Approach™

The following table outlines the specific criteria for each of the six attributes of the Gainful Jobs Approach™. According to the revised 2023 methodology, an employee has a quality job if four or more of the key attributes of the Gainful Jobs Approach™ are present*.

Appendix B
Table of Criteria for Each Attribute of the Gainful Jobs Approach™

* Fund IV portfolio company employees have a quality job if three or more of the key attributes of the Gainful Jobs Approach are present. In 2022, the sixth Gainful Jobs Approach attribute, DEI: Belonging was introduced. At that time, Fund IV had been fully invested and multiple exits had occurred. As a result, the methodology for calculating quality jobs with Fund IV incorporates a lower threshold of quality job attributes than Fund V.

[ Click on Table to Zoom ]

HCAP Partners’ mission is to improve the lives of the employees of our portfolio companies.  We accomplish this work in collaboration with our management teams and portfolio companies through our operational impact framework around quality jobs called the Gainful Jobs Approach™.
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4250 Executive Square, Suite 500
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 259-7654